Friday, January 17, 2025
Well logging

Resistivity logging in a borehole

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Why do we need resistivity logging services ?

Well logging is a method of well logging that works by characterizing the rock or sediment in a borehole by measuring its electrical resistivity.

Resistivity logging

What a Well Log Looks Like?

The main use of the electrical tools is to calculate the water saturation of a reservoir formation.
The electrical tools also have a number of qualitative uses, principle of which are indications of lithology,  facies and electro-facies analysis, correlation, determination of overpressure, determination of shale porosity, indications of compaction, and the investigation of source

Typical Responses of an Electrical Tool
Note the lower resistivity in shales, which is due to the presence of bound water in clays that undergo surface conduction. The degree to which the sandstones have higher resistivity depends upon their porosity, their pore geometries,  the resistivity of the formation water, the water, oil and gas saturations (oil and gas are taken to have infinite resistivity).


Resistivity Logging

Application of Well logging:

  • Firstly, Lithology identification
  • secondly, Source Rock identification
  • thirdly, Saturation determination
  • Locating of hydrocarbon bearing zones
  • Determination of shale volume
  • Localization of over-pressured zones
  • In addition, Correlation purposes.

When a formation is porous and contains salty water, the overall resistivity will be low. When the formation contains hydrocarbon, or has a very low porosity, its resistivity will be high. High resistivity values may indicate a hydrocarbon bearing formation.

Resistivity Logging

Contact for resistivity logging services ?

My Son Application Science Research Company is a leader in well logging services in Viet Nam And Southeast Asia.

Hotline: 0902 307 382 (by English)

Technical support phone: 0963 247 151 (by English)


Consequently Non Destructive, Precise and Cost Efficient.


Securing Node-RED

Creating a Self Signed Certificate

firstly. Create a private key

openssl genrsa -out node-key.pem 2048

secondly. Create a certificate Request

openssl req -new -sha256 -key node-key.pem -out node-csr.pem

thirdly. Sign the Certificate with the Private key to create a self signed Certificate

openssl x509 -req -in node-csr.pem -signkey node-key.pem -out node-cert.pem

Generating the password hash

If you are using Node-RED 1.1.0 or later, you can use the command:

node-red admin hash-pw

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